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Case Access

Our case access online provides information and search functionality for publicly available case records.  More information about searches and the type of information available is described below.

COURT COSTS: To ensure the most accurate calculation or confirmation of court costs, please call the Court for assistance.

Online Case Management System

(NOTE: We are in the process of converting to a new system.
The online system currently only includes data prior to January 23, 2025.) 

IMPORTANT-Please read the following instructions to search for cases:

Case Number Searches: Case numbers must be typed out fully, with the entire case number.  Case number formats have changed over the years, so in order to search for previous years, you'll need to use the formats below:

Prior to August 2001:  Case Type then 2 Digit Year-4 Digit Case Number
For Example: ES97-0123 or GD98-0234 or TR99-3456

After August 2001: 4 Digit Year then Case Type then 6 Digit Case Number
For Example: 2001 EST 001602 or 2001 MST 001603 or 2001 GDN  001606

Case Types:  Adoption and Mental Health Records are omitted and considered confidential, but the following case types are available for public access:

Abbreviation    Case Type
ADV    Adversary Case
COB    Correction of Birth Case
CON    Conservatorship Case
DIS    Disinterment Case
EST    Estate Case
GDM    Guardianship of Minor Case
GDN    Guardianship of Incompetent Case
IVT    Inter Vivos Trust Case
MPT    Medicaid Payback Trust Case
MRG    Marriage License Case
MSC    Miscellaneous Case
MST    Minor's Settlement Case
NCH    Name Change Case
ROB    Registration of Birth Case
TST    Trust Case
WOD    Will on Deposit
Name Searches: At least one initial for the Last Name field is required.  

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