Guardianship & Conservatorship Forms
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Form Packets:
Form packets include all of the required forms to file that particular packet. You may be required to file additional forms in conjunction with the forms within a given packet depending on the various circumstances which may be involved.
LCPC - Conservator's Account Packet (Forms include: 15.8, 15.81, 15.8A, 45D) TBD
LCPC - Conservator's Packet (Forms include: 20.0, 15A, 15.0, RRCPF, 15.01, 20.1, 15.2, 15.9, 20.2) TBD
LCPC - Guardian's Account Packet (Forms include: 15.8, 15.8GCL, 15.81, 17-AFF, 15.8A, 15.8B) TBD
LCPC - Guardian's Annual Report & Plan (person only) Packet (Forms include: 17.7, 27.7 17.1, Medicaid Letter) TBD
LCPC - Guardian's Annual Report & Plan (person & estate) Packet (Forms include: 17.7, 27.7, 27.8, 17.1, Medicaid Letter) TBD
LCPC - Guardianship of an Incompetent (Forms include: 17.0, AWT, 17.1, 15A, 15.0, 15.1, RRCPF, 15.3, 15.01, 17.3, 17.4, 15.2, 15.9, 17.5, 15.4, 66.05) 1/1/2023
LCPC - Guardianship of a Minor (Forms include: 16.0, 15A, 15.0, 15.1, 16.1, 16.2, RRCPF, 15.01, 16.3, 16.4, 15.2, 15.9, 16.5, 15.4, 66.05) 6/10/2021
Individual Forms:
LCPC AGPDS - Application of Guardian to Provide Direct Services to Ward 1/21/2021
LCPC AWT - Application for Waiver of Guardian Fundamentals Training Requirement 10/1/2015
LCPC 3.0A - Appointment of Appraiser 7/21/2022
LCPC 1AM - New Case Information Sheet TBD
LCPC 11.1 - Consent to Power to Sell Real Estate TBD
LCPC 11.2 - Guardianship Appointment of Appraiser 8/1/2018
LCPC 15A - Supplemental Guardianship / Conservatorship Information 5/13/2008
SC 15.0 - Next of Kin of Proposed Ward 9/1/1991
SC 15.01 - Judgment Entry Setting Hearing on Application for Appointment of Guardian 9/1/1991
SC 15.1 - Waiver of Notice and Consent TBD
SC 15.2 - Fiduciary's Acceptance – Guardian 3/15/2016
SC 15.3 - Guardian's Bond 3/15/2016
SC 15.4 - Letters of Guardianship 9/1/1991
SC 15.5 - Guardian's Inventory 9/1/1991
SC 15.6 - Application to Release Funds to Guardian 9/1/1991
SC 15.7 - Application for Authority to Expend Funds 9/1/1991
SC 15.8 - Guardian's Account 3/1/1996
LCPC 15.8GCL - Guardians Estate Attorney/Guardian Checklist TBD
LCPC 15.81 - Bank Certificate TBD
LCPC 15.8A - Orders on Approval and Settlement of Account Current TBD
LCPC 15.8B - Orders on Approval and Settlement of Final and Distributive Account TBD
SC 15.9 - Oath of Guardian 3/1/2008
SC 16.0 - Application for Appointment of Guardian of Minor 9/1/1991
LCPC 16A - Entry Dispensing with Appointment of Guardian and Ordering Deposit 8/18/2017
LCPC 16B - Verification of Receipt and Deposit TBD
SC 16.2 - Selection of Guardian by Minor over Fourteen Years of Age 9/1/1991
SC 16.3 - Notice of Hearing for Appointment of Guardian of Minor (To Minor Over Age 14) 3/15/2016
SC 16.5 - Judgment Entry Appointment of Guardian of Minor 9/1/1991
SC 17.0 - Application for Appointment of Guardian (an Alleged Incompetent) 1/1/2013
LCPC 17 AFF - Affidavit Concerning Investments TBD
LCPC17 ACLPW - Application to Commence Legal Proceedings for Ward TBD
LCPC17 CGE - Application to Close Guardianship of the Estate TBD
LCPC17 NCPI - Notification of Change in Personal Information TBD
SC 17.1 - Statement of Expert Evaluation 1/1/2023
LCPC 17.1D - Motion & Order to Dispense with Subsequent Statements of Expert Evaluation TBD
SC 17.3 - Notice to Prospective Ward of Application and Hearing 9/1/1991
SC 17.4 - Notice of Hearing for Appointment of Guardian of Alleged Incompetent Person 3/15/2016
SC 17.5 - Judgment Entry Appointment of Guardian for Incompetent Person 3/1/2017
LCPC 17.66 - Application of Guardian to Provide Direct Services to Ward 4/9/2021
SC 17.7 - Guardian's Report 3/1/2017
SC 17.8 - Court Investigator's Report on Proposed Guardianship
LCPC 20.0 - Application for Appointment of Conservator 9/1/1991
LCPC 20.1 - Judgment Entry - Appointment of Conservator TBD
LCPC 20.2 - Letters of Conservatorship 9/1/1991
SC 22.5 - Application to Settle a Claim of an Adult Ward TBD
SC 22.6 - Entry Approving Settlement of a Claim of an Adult Ward TBD
SC 22.7 - Report of Distribution TBD
SC 23.0 - Petition for Protective Services 5/1/2021
SC 23.1 - Notice of Petition for Court Ordered Protective Services 5/1/2021
SC 23.2 - Petition for Emergency Protective Services 5/1/2021
SC 23.3 - Notice of Petition for Court Ordered Protective Services on an Emergency Basis 5/1/2021
SC 27.0 - Notice to Guardian - Submission of Comments or Complaints 3/1/2017
SC 27.2 - Notification of Compliance with Guardian Education Requirements 3/1/2017
SC 27.3 - Notice of/Application for Change of Address 3/1/2017
SC 27.4 - Entry on Application to Change Address of the Ward 3/1/2017
SC 27.5 - Annual Registration Guardian with Ten or More Wards 3/1/2017
SC 27.6 - Annual Fee Schedule 3/1/2017
SC 27.7 - Annual Guardianship Plan - Person 5/1/2021
SC 27.8 - Annual Guardianship Plan - Estate 3/1/2017
SC 27.9 - Application to Terminate Guardianship 3/1/2017
SC 27.10 - Notification of Guardian's Receipt of Fees Other Than Through Guardianship 3/1/2017
SC 27.11 - Notification of Ward's Important Legal Papers 3/1/2017
SC 27.12 - Guardian Receipt 3/1/2017
SC 66.05 - Affidavit of Attorney Guardian Applicant TBD